Saturday, April 18, 2020

Word of the Mother

"What happened, how long was I out for" Melanie thought to herself as she began to reawaken.  Everything was so dark,  Was it night time already?  And how come Tony hadn't noticed her yet as he would surely have come home already if it was this late and found her.  But as she began to become more aware of herself Melanie started to notice things weren't quite right.  For one the floor felt smooth and not like carpet.  It was also much more quieter that she expected.  No whirring of computers, no sounds from outside, even the constant tinnitus in her ears had completely stopped.  The deathly silence was so eerie that Melanie was even nervous of trying to find out where she really was as she clearly wasn't at home.

"Where am I?"  Slowly Melanie pushed herself onto her feet and tried to get her bearings.  As she did she caught sight of herself.  Her body was much more slender and petite without a single blemish, mole, or even body hair save for what appeared to be a furry red tail behind her.  Her clothes were red and white with long shiny black boots not unlike that of her character from Final Fantasy XIV.  "What?" she gasped in disbelief, her eyes widening as she twist and turned to look at herself.

After a few moments Melanie looked up around her.  She let out a large gasp when she realised she was suspended in what looked like deep space with countless stars and swirls of varying shades of soft blue and violet light around her.  She knew where she had seen this phenomena before.  It was from the game Final Fantasy XIV whenever she encountered Hydaelyn.

"Child of Earth, welcome.  Do not be afraid."

Ahead of her Melanie saw a large and slowly rotating blue crystal floating slowly towards her and stopped several feet away from her.  "I am Hydaelyn.  All made one" the voice spoke again from the crystal, her voice so clear that it caused the crystal to resonate.  "After countless of thy days thou art here at long last" the voice spoke as if in great relief.
Melanie stared at the crystal both in fear and in doubt.  "What in the world..." she muttered to herself.  "Where am I?  How did I get here?" she spoke out to the crystal.
"Thou hast shown the greatest love for this star and her people, and 'twas with thy love I was able to summon thee here" Hydaelyn responded.  "A calamity far greater than any known to mankind threatens to undo everything we are and unravel the threads of this universe.  Thou art the only one who can save us."
Melanie began to laugh lightly.  "No no.  This can't be for real.  All this is fictional, it's from a video game.  None of this is real."
"Our worlds existed long fore thy world knew of its existance.  Thy world that mirrors our own forged a bond changing the destiny of the star and its people down a path of total destruction.  Only a true Warrior of Light can sever the bond between thy world and ours, awaken her people and change her destiny, for the Warrior of Light cannot exist without the one who created her.  For the sake of all, I beseech thee: deliver us from this fate!"
"This can't be really happening, can it?  And yet it feels so real" Melanie pondered doubtfully.  She backtracked to what Hydaelyn said and began to replay it in her head.  "A true Warrior of Light?" she then took a step back in surprise as she realised what Hydaelyn was saying.  "You must be mistaken, I'm not a real warrior!  I'm just a gamer who plays computer games for fun.  I don't even know how to fight and in reality I'm a complete coward."
"Thou must become the Warrior of Light, for there are none other who can save us, and I hath not the strength to send thee back to thine own world" Hydaelyn responded.  As she spoke a large glowing crystal more larger than anything she had ever seen in her life rose from below her and began to draw Melanie in closer to it whilst casting a brilliant light that began to engulf her.

"Hold on a minute!" Melanie raised her hands to block out the light from her vision, "What do you mean you can't send me back?"


