Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Sat in a dark corner of The Rising Stones, her hat and satchel next to her on the floor, Melanie twiddled her thumbs over a steaming cup of Ishgardian Tea as thoughts began to process in her mind.  "Me, the Warrior of Light, for real" she thought to herself nervously.  At first the thought sounded admirable until she remembered who she really was.  She was very sensitive to pain so she always avoided conflict and almost everything scared her.  Even though she felt she owed it to help the Scions who were trapped on the First to get back home again she couldn't help but feel she was overestimating her own strengths and putting both them and herself in extreme danger.  "What if I can't become the Warrior of Light?  This is just too much for me, yet out of the millions of others who play the game Hydaelyn chose me.  This must be a mistake.  Does she even know I freak out over a spider the size of a penny let alone one the size of a car?"

Hydaelyn's voice once again echo'd in her mind, "thou must become the Warrior of Light, for there are none other who can save us."

"Oh shut up Hydaelyn, like you really know me or else you'd have picked someone else to do the job!" she thought angrily.  She let out a deep and saddened sigh as she stared at her tea that was slowly cooling in the cup.  "I don't want to do this even though I feel obligated to.  I don't want people to be hurt because of what I could or couldn't do, and what's more I'm scared.  I'm scared of confrontations, I'm scaref of uncertainty, I'm scared of pain.  If I can't withstand something as small as a needle I have no chance against a sword or something with teeth, and how will I be able to get around?  Teleports will only get me so far but then I'd still need to fly or climb high buildings and tall staircases.  How can I even be the Warrior of Light if I can't do any of this?  I'll be a major letdown to everyone.  People will get hurt and it'll all be my fault!"  Tears started to well inside her eyes as she thought about home.  Whilst it wasn't much of a life she had been living all these years she was now craving more than anything to be back at home with her comfortable life hiding away from everyone and leaving others in charge.  Now she felt exposed and vulnerable and it was freaking her out.

"Ahem" a small voice interrupted her silent lamenting.  Melanie looked up from her cup to see Tataru looking at her with a smile on her face.  "You'll be pleased to know I've contacted all Eorzea's leaders and a meeting has been arranged at Ala Mhigo for tomorrow morning."

"Oh, thank you Tataru" Melanie said trying to smile back.  Tataru's head tilted slightly with a concerned expression on her face.  "Is...everything alright?" she asked.

"I'm...having doubts" Melanie replied.

"Oh?" Tataru pulled up a seat to the table and hopped on it.

"Hey, is it ok to talk in here about this?" Melanie said quickly looking around concerned that someone might be listening in on their conversation.

"We're safe to speak here.  All who work at the Rising Stones are sworn to secrecy to protect each other.  It would do us naught if we were to talk behind each others' backs, however beyond that door is a different story" Tataru motioned towards the doorway leading out to the other side of the tavern known as The Seventh Heaven.

Melanie sat back into her chair sighing dejectedly.  "I don't know if I'm up to the task of becoming the Warrior of Light" she said in a quiet voice.  Tataru leaned in and listened intently.  "Truth is I'm a coward who spent all her life hidden away in a room letting each day pass by as I immersed myself into what I thought was a world of fantasy where I could be a hero.  I'm scared of everything from heights to small insects, fast moving vehicles, the dark, and even being injured or worse yet, dead!  How am I supposed to be a warrior if I can't face my own worst fears?  I'll be letting myself down as well as those who are depending on me and I'll be helpless as I watch them getting hurt or even killed because of me!"

Tataru looked on with sympathy.  "You know what I think?" she asked after a few moments of silence.  "I think it's yourself you fear most.  You lack in confidence in yourself and fear what you can't do."

Melanie shook her head in disagreement.  "No, you don't understand.  I've lived like this for years and as much as I want out and to just be normal nothing changes the fact that I'll freak out part-way up a staircase or if a fly lands on my shoulder."

Tataru mulled over her thoughts for a moment.  "I still think a lot of this stems from you fearing what you can't do.  Whilst I'm no expert in this sort of thing I do know that if you try to believe in yourself then eventually you'll overcome those fears.  As receptionist to the Scions I've seen several who've lacked faith in themselves grow to become strong members of the resistance.  They too once thought they were incapable of becoming warriors, and yet there they are now making history as one of Eorzea's finest helping to rebuild settlements and ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity to our Eastern allies.  I have faith that over time you too will find strength within yourself to face your fears and become a beacon of light to all those who've lost hope."

Melanie swallowed hard.  Despite what Tatatru said Melanie still felt that she wasn't up to the task, but after hearing Tataru's words she was now feeling a little less doubtful about herself.  "Thank you Tataru, your words mean a lot to me" she said with a smile.  Tataru smiled back.  "Full glad am I to have been of help."  Tataru hopped back down from her chair and did a little stretch.  "As much as I'd love to keep chatting I'm afraid I have much work I still need to do.  I suggest that you get some rest so you can be up bright and early for tomorrow's journey into the East."

"Ah, good thinking" Melanie replied.  She had no idea how much time must've passed since arriving in Revenant's Toll but judging from the lack of light coming in through the windows it was already evening.  As she began to finish off her now lukewarm tea she began to think about where to stay.  Last she remembered there was no actual inn at Revenant's Toll.  "Is there somewhere here I can check in for the night?"

Tataru began to ponder.  Whilst Revenant's Toll was home to the many workers behind its walls and provided many stalls and places for adventurers to relax over a hot meal there hadn't been any kind of overnight accommodation provided for those on the road.  "Now that you mention it there isn't anything like that here or outside of any of the cities..." Tataru pondered.  "Can't you just teleport to a city to use one of their inns?"

Melanie shook her head.  "I don't know how to use magic" she replied.

Tataru stepped back surprised, her arms raised and her mouth agape.  "Considering how unsafe it would be for you to travel on foot to somewhere as far as Ul'dah or even Ishgard I would recommend staying here at Revenant's Toll, but the only beds we have are currently being occupied."  Tataru began to ponder again.  "The only option I guess is to ask around some of the people working here and see if they can provide you with some accommodation.  With your reputation I'm sure one of them will be able to assist."

"Thank you, for everything" Melanie replied.  Tataru nodded and waved goodbye before disappearing behind one of the doors at the back of The Rising Stones.  With it now getting late Melanie knew if she wanted to find somewhere to stay the night she would have to act fast asking around before everyone turned in for the night.  Grabbing her satchel and placing her hat on her head she made her way outside.