Friday, April 8, 2022

Where To Go From Here

At dizzying heights 3 travellers scaled their way upwards in one of the tallest cities in Eorzea.  Despite the many staircases that reached as high as the very mountains themselves that blocked the rest of Gyr Abania from sight, the 3 travellers continued scaling at a steady pace.  Even Melanie was confused to why she didn't feel exhausted or have any muscle aches after climbing so many stairs.  "It must be from the amount of travelling and fighting monsters that I have this much excess stamina" she pondered to herself.  Several times she felt herself panic halfway up the staircases but with them being so wide and surrounded by tall brick buildings she just kept looking towards the walls and after a while it just became a rhythm to keep on climbing.  Going up stairs was always far more easier for her than going down them, unless she could look over the edge and see the ground below her or she felt the stairs weren't safe or stable enough.

Despite having climbed so many stairs they reached their destination in a timely manner.  Standing outside a tall double doorway that led inside to the Royal Palace, Krile turned to Melanie.  "I know you were warned against speaking to others about your true identity, however I had no other choice to inform all those you've crossed paths with who've worked close with you to meet with us this day as they need to know the truth.  As you can imagine the number of people you've associated with is particularly large as you made such great impressions throughout all of our kingdoms, but I assure you each person in this room has sworn to speak nothing outside of what is to be discussed today.  I hope you won't feel too overwhelmed with what we're about to face."  Melanie felt a little uncomfortable but nodded in acknowledgement.  "It makes sense, if those I worked with don't know of my true identity it would result in awkward discussions in the future" she thought to herself.  Krile faced towards the door and with a gentle shove pushed them open.

Whilst Krile had warned her that the numbers would be huge Melanie was really not prepared enough for what she saw.  The entire throne room was full of important figures she met in the game from city and alliance leaders to other key and important figures from more smaller factions.  The sheer number of people was overwhelming.  "You weren't kidding the number of people would be large" she said quietly to Krile.

Krile stepped forward towards the crowds of people and began to address herself.  "If I may have your attention please" she said loudly.  The room quietened down as everyone stopped talking and gathered in front of Krile to hear what she had to say.  "I thank you all for coming here today especially on such short notice.  I know many of you have very important business you need to attend to so I shall try not to keep you here long."  Krile cleared her throat a little before continuing.

"As all of you were informed prior to arriving here what is to be spoken of today must never leave these walls.  A few nights ago a new star was spotted in the constellation of Azemeya.  At the same time people all across the star felt a new sense of awareness, a phenomena now referred to as The Awakening.  Our lives have far prolonged the years we've spent on this star and until now there has been no explanation to what caused this unusual warping of time, nor were we aware of it taking place.  However this was not the only change that took place.  The Awakening also marked the arrival of a new visitor from another universe."  Krile motioned towards Melanie who then stepped forward nervously.  Krile faced back towards the audience.

"M'leineya Leoh, or as many of you have referred to her as the Warrior of Light, has been with us for the past 11 years and has been a key player in many victories and heroic deeds.  However the person you see standing in front of you now has only walked among us since The Awakening took place.  She comes not from Eorzea but from a different universe."

Whispers started to spread across the room and started to become louder.  Faces contorted in confusion and disbelief.  Krile cleared her throat again trying to catch their attention but the crowd was already overwhelmed by her statement.  "Excuse me Miss Krile, but are you trying to say that the Warrior of Light only just arrived here 2 nights ago?  Then who has been with us for the past 11 years?" a middle-aged male voice spoke up from the crowd.  The room went silent and the crowd stood aside revealing a middle-aged hyur with white shoulder-length hair, a white beard and moustache, wearing a heavy black and white leather coat that was partially buttoned up his chest and displaying a large brass pendant hanging around his neck.  Aside from his white locks and facial hair the blue tinted goggles that were balanced across his forehead were a big giveaway to his identity - Cid Garlond, president of the Garlond Ironworks.

"Allow me to explain..." Krile said before the crowd could start debating amongst themselves again.  "The Warrior of Light was an avatar of the person controlling her from another universe.  As far as she was aware our world didn't exist, it was just part of a simulation used as entertainment for the people of her world until a couple of nights ago when she was spirited from her universe to ours."

The crowd began to murmer amongst themselves again.  Melanie stepped forward feeling she had to say something.  "It's true, everything she says is true" she called out.  "On my world this was just part of a game, the ambitions of a man who created a copy and was played by millions of people.  We had no idea this world actually existed.  Somehow everything we did on my world affected yours until Hydaelyn brought me here which severed the link between our worlds.  I don't know why she chose me in particular.  You see, on my world I'm not a fighter nor an adventurer.  I'm just a regular citizen with a quiet life.  I've never held a weapon nor faced anyone in a fight.  Most importantly...we have no magic.  To us magic is just slight of hand and tricks of illusion and nothing more."

The palace fell into an uncomfortable silence after she finished speaking.  Everyone was lost for words until finally a small voice spoke up inside the crowd again.  "So, if we were to believe what you just said, you are saying you are no longer the Warrior of Light?"  A small lalafel with long white hair wearing a fighter's outfit mostly made of thick leather stepped foward, his brow furrowed with a combination of anger, confusion and disappointment.

"At this moment she isn't, which is why we are gathered here today" Krile replied.  "Part of this meeting was to reveal to you the truth about Lineya's identity although not to shun or disown her for it, the other part is what I'm about to ask."  Krile then turned to face Melanie.  "I know that Hydaelyn brought you here with a purpose, however in the end the choice of what you do from this day forth is up to you.  Should you decide to follow with your purpose I shall ensure that all guild leaders across Eorzea are informed of your predicament so they can help with your training and restoring your status as Champion of Eorzea.  However should you feel this is too much pressure the alternative is that we strip you from all ranks and responsibilities and you be granted the status of a citizen.  We will offer a place for you far from the warzones where you may live out the rest of your days quietly among other peaceful farmers and villagers and we will think nothing less of you should you choose this path.  Pray, take your time and use this moment here to decide your path."

Melanie stood silent for what felt like an eternity.  The thoughts of abandoning a lifestyle of travelling and fighting monsters in favour of one she would be most more likely to fit in was appealing to her and a temptation.  She closed her eyes and started to think hard.

"If I choose to follow the path before me then perhaps I might find a way back home, but should I refuse I may be stuck on this planet forever and never find a way back to my own world.  I'm no fighter or adventurer, I can't imagine myself travelling the world fighting monsters.  This isn't me!  But what of the Scions back on the First, and what about what Hydaelyn said to me that I'm the only one who can save them all?  Could I really live with myself if I turn my back on them just because I have no motivation and no confidence in myself?  But who am I, a champion???  A nobody who made no name for herself back on her own world trying to make one for herself on a different world?  This is preposterous!  Hydaelyn made a big mistake in picking me.  I can't...I'm too scared of everything...I'm not like my brothers and my sister, I don't think like them.  I can't just become a fighter overnight!"

Melanie finally opened her eyes once more and looked straight at Krile.  "I have come to a decision" she said.