Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Making Over Time

Melanie's deep sleep was awoken by a gentle rapping at the door.  She hadn't been aware of how long she'd been sleeping for but judging by the warm air and sunlight trying to force its way into the room it was at least morning.

"Miss Brovola?  Are you awake?" a man's voice spoke from behind the room's main door.  Melanie widened her eyes and quickly pushed herself off the bed, almost tripping over her own feet as she began to make way for the door to see who was behind it.  "Before you open the door, may I remind you to make sure you are fully covered as instructed?"  Melanie stopped for a moment as she pondered what he meant.  She was still wearing the clothes she entered Ul'dah with.  She raised a hand to her chin as she started to think what he meant by "fully covered as instructed" and that's when she remembered the wooden mask.  She turned around to the nearby cartonier where her wooden mask was sitting and placed it over her face, then she turned back to the door and turned the handle.

Behind the door was a tall elezen standing in a very unique pose with long scissors in one hand and a comb in the other, his scissor hand raised in front of his eyes and his comb hand stretched behind him at an oddly twisted angle.  His bright red eyes were accented by a glowing red eye powder on the sides of his eyes, his lips painted in a pale pink gloss, and on the right side of his face a purple tatoo that resembled a thorny branch stretched from the top of his eye all the way down to his jawline.  His hair was a whispy mess of bright peach and lilac streaks.  His attire was a fancy white, lilac and dark brown leathery outfit with bright yellow trousers, and a pair of golden crystal drop earrings at the base of his long ear lobes.  "Miss Brovola, I come at behest of her lady Mistress Krile" he said as he leaned forward into the doorway.  He then lowered his arms and reached down to a brown wooden case that was on the floor next to him and lifted it to his side by a brass handle, then he stood upright and gracefully walked into the room.  Melanie backed away opening the door wider for him to enter and then closed it behind him.

Once reaching the middle of the room the young elezen dramatically turned around to face Melanie.  "Ah, how it saddens me to be asked to create a masterpiece that will not be seen by eyes uncovered.  I swore that I will not let my own personal feelings get in the way.  But I am Jandelaine, beautician extrordinaire!"  The young elezen then dramatically pointed at Melanie.  "I shall make a new woman out of you that will both sparkle and be unrecognisable, one that you may do away with needing to hide behind that grotesque wooden mask of yours" he said with a grin and a sparkle in his eyes.  He then placed the wooden case on top of the bed and motioned Melanie to come towards him.  He opened up the wooden case revealing several facial brushes and sponges and rows upon rows of various coloured powders, glosses and what appeared to be hair dyes.

Jandelaine turned once more to face Melanie as she approached and raised his hands to gently remove the wooden mask from her face, then pulled back her hood to reveal her hair and took a step back and began to ponder.  "Hmm, yes...yes!  I can see it now.  Colours and layers, perhaps a little colour to enhance the cheeks, and a dark gloss on the lips.  This will be my best work ever yet!"  Jandelaine span back around around to his wooden case and began pulling out various facial brushes, sponges, and powders.  He then twisted his upper half of his body to face Melanie.  "Shall we begin?" he said with another grin and narrowed eyes that made Melanie swallow hard.  Before she could say anything he was already patting sponges and drawing brushes across the surface of her face whilst happily chatting away with words like "This is going to look absolutely fabulous.  Just a little more here, but not too much.  Oh yes!  I doubt even Mistress Krile would recognise you now."  After a few moments he returned the brushes and powders back into the case and raised his scissors and comb in front of his face.  "And now for the final touches!" he whispered.  His hands danced around her head snipping and combing, spinning her around and doing more snipping and combing.  He was so quick that all the spinning was making her dizzy.  "A touch of purple here, a dash of blue there, let's not forget to add volume.  Oh how my heart sings with joy and excitement!"

Finally he stepped back from her placing his comb and scissors down onto the bed and pressed his hands against his heart as he looked straight at her.  "My work is done, and my what a masterpiece!  Such beauty within now sparkles like the brightest of stars.  I simply could not have done any better."  He then motioned Melanie to look at herself in the dresser mirror behind her.  She closed her eyes as she turned around, took a deep breath, then opened her eyes and took several steps back in surprise as she gazed at her reflection and gasped.  Her hair was now a deep purple with bright blue highlights and styled in wispy yet volumous long layers that wrapped around her shoulders and long bangs that covered one side of her face.  Her eyes had a bright blue powder across the upper lids and a streak of white warpaint was drawn below each eye.  Her lips were coloured in a strrong yet pale lilac gloss.  Even her ears and tail were dyed a deep purple.  It took her moments to take in just how completely different she looked.

"Shall we call for Mistress Krile to come in and see for herself?" Jandelaine interrupted Melanie marvelling at her own reflection.  "Huh?  Oh, yes of course!" Melanie stammered, still unable to stop gazing at herself in the mirror.  "Very well" he replied.  He was about to raise his hand to his linkpearl when he stopped for a moment.  "Actually, I have an idea" he said, a grin began to spread across his face.  Melanie slowly looked around her shoulders at him quizzically.  What was he planning?