Wednesday, January 25, 2023

A New Warrior of Light Rises

Melanie stirred again to the sweet smell of desert flowers and grasses.  It was early morning so the air still felt cool.  Rising from her bed she began to put on her new robes.  She'd now accepted that she still needed to wear night clothes to bed and sleep under the covers and that the only reason why in the game their characters slept in their clothes on top of the beds was because the game engine wasn't designed to do it any different.  Luckily she had already crafted suitable night wear in the game.  It was just a simple long white night dress with a pale blue and white dressing gown.  There was also a pair of bottoms and a couple of matching night caps that after one look at them Melanie decided she wasn't going to wear either, not unless she was in some cold climate where keeping her head warm would be ideal.  The slippers however were rather cute - fluffy white slippers with a pair of tiny pom poms and a thin black ribbon sewn on the front.

After folding her night clothes and placing them back into her backpack she picked up a thick red leather-bound book from the nearby cartonier then sat on the edge of the bed and began reading.  The thaumaturges' guild were very generous in allowing her to take one of their books from their collection outside their halls.  She flicked open a page on a new spell and began reading.

"Scathe" is a unique spell among thaumaturges as this spell requires no elemental attunement nor does it require the caster to focus as much in invoking it.  Its ability comes directly from the latent aether within the caster.  Because of this the impact is greatly lower than other spells that require attunement whilst still drawing on the same amount of aether, therefore caution is advised when using this spell in succession.  To invoke this spell the caster must recite the incantation "pain".

"Well that explains why the damage is weak in comparison" she said to herself as she closed the book and placed it in her backpack.  She stretched her arms and then began to collect the remaining of her belongings and made for the exit.

Outside Reubemont had been waiting near Melanie's room for at least 10 minutes.  On opening the door to her room Melanie felt her heart leap to her throat on seeing him.  "Reubemont?  I was startled!  Wait...was you waiting outside my room?"

"Yes I... I was waiting so I could help you down the stairs" he replied.

"Riiiight... he was waiting outside my room."  Melanie put on a fake smile as she began walking down the hallway.  Reubemont noticed her smile didn't look at all natural and felt a cold rush through his body.  "Did I do something wrong?" he began to worry and doubt whether waiting for her outside her room was such a good idea after all.  Reubemont followed close by silently until they reached the top of the stairs.  He started to fumble nervously trying to put his arm around Melanie and hesitating.  "What should I do?  Should I try to help or will she get upset?"

Melanie sighed as she realised he was now acting nervously.  "Now I've gone and done it.  All he was doing was trying to help and now I've made him nervous by overreacting.  Besides how else am I going to get down the stairs if I can't do it by myself?"  She put on a proper smile and looked up at him.  "It's alright.  I know you're trying to help and I wasn't being greatful.  I'm sorry I made you feel unappreciated."  Melanie then motioned to the stairs.  "Shall we?"

Reubemont let out a sigh of relief and composed himself, then placed an arm around her shoulders and together they slowly descended the stairs to the inn area.  "I feel I must apologize.  I haven't had much experience with women other than my sister.  You remind me of her so much that I keep forgetting you're not her and that I shouldn't treat you in the same manner" he spoke as they began to approach the last few steps.

"You care a lot about your sister" Melanie replied.

"That I do.  She's all I have left."  Reubemont stopped at the bottom of the stairs and lowered his head.  "I'm sorry, I said too much."

Melanie started to feel a sharp pain in her head and her vision begin to cloud.  She raised a hand up against the side of her temples and grimaced.

"Brovola, are you alright?"  Reubemont's voice became distant and was instead replaced by another voice.  The world around her had completely distorted and changed to that of a different place.  Everything sounded and felt strange as if she was inside a movie.

"You must take them to safety.  Go to Ishgard, anywhere but here.  I'll come and find you when this is finally over" a man's voice spoke out.  Standing in front of her was an elezen woman with white hair and blue eyes wearing an elegant green dress and an elezen man with black hair and lilac eyes wearing a mixture of mail and leather armor.  In her arms was a baby girl and next to her a very young boy with white hair and lilac eyes.

The scene changed to Ishgard where the woman sat at a table with her head buried in her arms crying.  The baby girl was also crying in a crib nearby and the young boy was standing next to the woman tugging at her dress.  "Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" the boy asked in a sad voice.  "I'm sorry Reubemont.  Daddy will not be coming home."

The scene changed once again.  It was snowing in Ishgard and the woman was outside browsing some of the market stalls, her baby girl now having grown into an infant and the young Reubemont having aged by a couple of years.  The woman started to cough and shivver.  The young Reubemont looked up at her and tried to hug her hoping that even the smallest bit of warmth from his body would help her.

The scene changed once more to her taking her children through the snow.  Her skin had gone paler and she was looking exhausted as if she was about to collapse any moment.  "Where are we going?" the young Reubemont asked.  "To Idyllshire.  It's said to be more warmer there and they have medicine that can help mommy get better" she said trying to smile at her little boy.  She started to cough and held up a white lacy handkerchief to her mouth.  As she pulled it away there were spots of blood staining the handkerchief.  She quickly stuffed it into a pocket so her children wouldn't see.

Another scenario took place.  The woman's health had deteriorated and she was now lying in a bed, her skin was clammy and pale as snow and her eyes having sunken into their sockets.  She coughed and wheezed heavily.  "I don't have much time left.  Remember what I taught you Reubemont, pray take good care of your sister while I'm gone."

"I don't want you to go!" the young boy began to cry.  The woman looked at him trying to smile as she stroked away the tears from his face.  "My brave, sweet children...I love you both and no matter where I go I will always be with you."  The woman sighed as her eyes became heavy and closed.  Her chest lowered and her hand fell against the bed.  "Mommy, no..." the boy wept lowering his head and began to shake her arm.  "Wake up mommy, please wake up!"

The scene changed one more time.  Both Reubemont and his sister were back in Ishgard standing in front of a tall elezen man with a long white beard wearing white, blue and gold archbishop robes and carrying a tall white and gold staff.  Another elezen male with long white hair stood facing away from them wearing an ink blue and silver outfit made from a combination of metal and dragonscale.  On his back he carried a tall lance with spikes that resembled dragon wings stained with blood.  "And these young children are the latest victims of the dragonsong war, both their parents having been killed by the dragons" the archbishop said to the man in dragonscale armor.

"I see" the man said, a low growl was heard in his voice.  Melanie instantly recognised the voice.  "Estinien?!!"  Estinien turned around to face the children and lowered himself to their level.  His face was twisted and stern, his lips tightly pursed and his blue eyes sharp and cold with bitterness and a hunger for vengeance.  "The dragons will answer for what they did to my people and to your parents, this I swear" he said to them in a dark and husky voice.

"But that's not true, mommy didn't die to the dragons.  She was sick!"  The scene had changed again to Reubemont with his young sister who was looking confused and like she was about to cry and Reubemont holding onto her.  "We won't let that bishop and his lies tell us any different.  One day we will tell the truth and people will know the dragons weren't to blame."

"I miss mommy" the young girl started to sob.  "Me too Junnelle, me too" Reubemont hugged her.  "I promise I'll never leave you.  I'll become a paladin and protect you as I promised mother."

Everything began to distort around her and changed back to the inn.  The pain began to ease off and she could hear Reubemont's desperate voice again.  "Brovola!  Brovola, are you okay?"

Melanie looked up at Reubemont with sad eyes.  "I saw it all" she said, her voice starting to crack.

"Saw what?" Reubemont asked confused.

Melanie put her arms around him and held him tightly with tears starting to form in her eyes.  "I saw what happened to your parents.  How Thordan lied to Estinien and tried to blame it on the dragons."

" could you possibly know about that?!" Reubemont gasped.

Melanie pulled herself away from Reubemont and dried her eyes trying to compose herself.  "It's a gift I have called the Echo.  It allows me to see both into the future and also into someone's past."

Reubemont was still a little confused.  "So, you're saying you saw into my past and saw my mother...?"

Melanie began wiping her eyes once more.  "I'm sorry if I made you feel violated.  Visions seem to take place either before a dangerous encounter or when someone starts thinking about their past and I don't know how to control it."

"I see...I think.  You don't need to apologize.  I probably would've told you about it eventually."  Reubemont started to ponder a little.  "A few days ago you stopped us from assaulting the goblin camp in Hammerlea, was that because you saw something then?"

Melanie nodded feeling uncomfortable as she recalled the event in her mind.  "Had we gone ahead we wouldn't have survived."

"Oh wow.  That sounds both handy and a little disturbing too if I think about it.  I can't imagine what it was you saw but I can tell by your eyes and the way your reacted that day it was quite horrifying.  I hate to ask this of you but knowing you have the gift of foresight then should you ever have concerns over which path we're following I won't doubt your word."

Melanie calmed down and nodded.  Reubemont looked around the different tables in the room and started to hum.  "Looks like the others didn't make it here yet, I wonder what's keeping them."

Both Reubemont's and Melanie's linkpearls started to chime.  Together they raised their hands to their ears and lightly touched their linkpearls.  "Oh good you're both up" Suyaya's voice was heard in their ears.  "Something's going down in the Twelveswood and I really think you should all come and investigate."

"Can you provide more details?  It would take a while to get there even by airship" Reubemont said.

"According to reports an undead knight known as Bockman has once again risen and is terrorising gleaners and merchants in Central Shroud.  Already there's been several adventurers and soldiers sent out to control the threat but few have returned with severe wounds and speaking of horrors awaiting anyone who's bold enough to try to challenge him.  I think we can probably handle it as a team, what do you think?"

Reubemont quickly glanced down at Melanie seeing her face writ with concern.  "We'll be down as soon as we can.  In the meantime keep us informed of the situation and if anything changes."

"All right, looking forward to your arrival."  Suyaya signed off and both Melanie and Reubemont lowered their hands.  Melanie started to feel knots in her stomach at the thoughts of going onboard another airship.

Reubemont could see Melanie was looking fretful and gently stroked her face with his palm.  "It's alright.  I'll be there with you and keep you safe" he said calmly.  Melanie nodded in agreement yet every bone in her body felt like it was shaking.  He took hold of her hand and walked to her towards the exit.  Melanie tried to swallow her nerves as they left the inn and headed into towards the inner part of the city where a lift nearby would them up to the airship landing.  "Airships, why does it have to be airships.  Why not underground railways or a ferry or even a horse and cart?  Just anything that doesn't involve flying!"

Melanie could feel her body resisting movement as they entered the lift.  She really did not want to ride an airship, not so soon after her last experience.  She felt the lift begin to move and squeezed Reubemont's hand tightly. 

Atop the airship landing Melanie's body began tremble.  Reubemont was already at the ticket desk and booked a pair of tickets.  "Next flight out is in about 10 minutes" he said as he handed her one of the tickets.  He took hold of Melanie's hand as he noticed her trembling.  "Hey, it'll be alright.  Come, let's get ready to board" he said softly as he walked her to a pair of gates that led to the main docking area.  Each step Melanie took felt like she was dragging lead weights for legs and the more she could see the rooftops outside the more she felt her stomach leaping about inside her and her heart beating faster and harder that she could hear it pounding in her chest.  Reubemont could see she was frantic and placed an arm around her once she crossed the gate and held her close.  He'd been in this scenario many times in the past with his sister.  Melanie felt both a little awkward and thankful that someone was holding onto her.  The alternative would be her wandering around getting more and more worked up and wishing for someone to just hold her and let her know she was in safe hands.

10 minutes seemed to go by ever so slowly.  Melanie started to calm down and became curious about her surroundings.  She eyed an alcove nearby of what looked like a souvenier shop.  Various small boxes lined in front of the large counter with localised trinkets inside them.  At the far back were a few large crates, bags and vases containing local herbs, crops and oil, and on a smaller counter were some of the local wines and a few books about Uldah's history.  Melanie was tempted to walk over buy one of the wines but decided it probably wasn't a good idea to be drinking whilst flying even if it might help to calm her down, besides she hadn't had breakfast yet and drinking on an empty stomach was an even worse idea.

Melanie heard the whirring of propellors as an airship pulled in at the landing.  Several crates, barrels and bags were already lined up on the landing ready to be loaded into the hull by nearby workers.  Reubemont still holding on to Melanie carefully helped her board the airship.  Once they were on the top deck she looked down at the stairs that led into the airship hull.  "Aren't we going down there?" she asked.  Reubemont looked at the stairs.  "There?  That's where all the cargo is going.  It's not permitted for passengers to go down there."

Melanie started to panic wide-eyed.  "How am I going to ride this?  I can't stay on the top deck, I'll freak out!" she cried out.  Reubemont held both her shoulders and looked into her eyes.  "It's alright.  I'm here with you and I promise you you'll be safe.  Just hold on tight to me."  Melanie started to whimper fretfully and tremble once more.  She felt the airship jolt as it disembarked and quickly she wrapped her arms around Reubemont with a squeal and buried her face in his armor sobbing loudly.  Reubemont was stunned at how quickly she gripped onto him.  "She's even more fearful than Junnelle was and we've barely taken off."

The airship continued to scale upwards and pick up speed.  Melanie closed her eyes tight as she held onto Reubemont for dear life, her sobbing getting even louder.  The flight would take at least an hour and she was getting more and more panicky that he felt if he didn't do something soon her hyperventilating would cause her to pass out.  "What do I do?  What do I do?!"  Reubemont looked around desperately for something to try and help her calm down but there was nothing.  He looked down at her worried as her breathing had gone so much faster that she was starting to wheeze and her body feeling limp.  Quickly he knelt down to her level and cupped her face in his hands.  "Brovola!" he shook her gently trying to grab her attention.  When she wouldn't open her eyes he pulled her into him and held her tightly.  Just the warmth of his muscular body and the side of his face against hers was enough to slowly stir her back to her senses.  "This feels nice, so warm and comforting" she thought to herself and her sobbing began to calm down.  She lowered her head onto his shoulder and placed her arms around his back.

Reubemont continued to hold onto her a while longer until he was certain she had thoroughly calmed down.  He pulled himself away a little to check on her to make sure she didn't just pass out.  Her eyes dry from all the sobbing met his, her face soaked with tears.  He once again saw his sister in front of him and started to wipe the tears away from her face with a gentle smile.

Melanie continued gazing into his eyes astonished.  A tightness formed in her chest and throat and she felt like she was about to choke and break into tears again.  Nobody had ever been this understanding and kind to her, not even her own husband.  "Why was Tony never like this with me when I needed him?"  She started to recall the number of times Tony scorned her over her fears and made her feel unappreciated and helpless.  Like the time she was trapped upstairs in a strangers' house whilst house hunting because of the unusual design of a narrow and frighteningly steep staircase.  Tony scowled at her from the bottom of the staircase whilst the estate agent was on the phone calling for an ambulance.  "I don't believe you" he said to her in a disapproving tone, leaving her to sob at the top of the stairs.  Many other similar incidents followed where he'd abandon her to her own fears.  He would shake her off him if she tried to hug him and completely ignore her when she was in any kind of distress.

That was when she realised Tony no longer loved or cared for her and when she started to resent and no longer love him in return, yet they continued to remain married for another 15 years and for what...because divorce was too costly and too messy?  Because they believed that nobody else would be able to cope with them?  Whether or not that was true she'd felt it would've been better had they broken up years ago and sorted themselves out instead of being prisoner to a loveless relationship that left her feeling desperate, unloved and miserable for years.

Melanie sank back into Reubemont's arms again.  She no longer cared whether it was inappropriate behaviour or not.  She just wanted to feel safe and cared for.

Reubemont was surprised as she fell back into his arms.  "Is she still afraid?" he pondered to himself.  He looked down at her as she buried her head into his armor and started to sob gently.  "No, this is something else, something she hasn't yet told me.  Someone has done this to her, but why?"  Reubemont held her in his arms in a comforting embrace and rested his head against hers.  Melanie let out a calming sigh as she felt Reubemont's chest gently rise and fall and his arms holding onto her tightly.  For a time she completely forgot about her fears as she for the first time felt someone actually cared for her and wasn't just going to push her away when she was an inconvenience to them.

After some time Melanie's eyes started to wander and the sight of the sky would make her stomach leap, although this was now starting to be less frequent.  She was so glad they didn't have breakfast that morning else she might've embarrassed herself by throwing up all over Reubemont's armor.  She looked upwards and could see the clouds were still far up above her so they weren't very high up, at least not as high as an airplane.  She was now curious to just how high up they actually were.

"I'd like to try to see if I can look beyond the edge."

"You certain you're ready for that?  I wouldn't want you to scare yourself or pass out" Reubemont looked at her with concern.  Melanie nodded.  She had been psyching herself up for it the past several minutes believing that the more she got to see the better she'd be able to cope each time they'd take the journey.  "All right, but hold onto me tightly and let me know when you want to back up."

Reubemont rose to his feet then put an arm around Melanie's shoulders and held her close to him.  Melanie began to slowly move towards the edge of the airship.  She started to make out tree tops a little ways below them and quickly pulled at Reubemont's arm to signal to stop.  He stopped moving and watched her as she started to go into another panic and felt hesistant about keeping her so close to the edge.  She held tightly onto him, her body starting to shake and a feeling of butterflies in her stomach.

Moments went by without moving from their spot and Melanie had stropped shaking and began to breathe normally again.   She started to appreciate how beautiful the landscape looked from above.  If it weren't for Reubemont she probably would never have been able to board an airship let alone ride one by herself.  She could just make out in the distance what looked like a small clearing with a couple of wooden towers and buildings, several tents, and a large aetheryte crystal in the midst of it.  This was Bentbranch Meadows in Central Shroud.  Further up ahead was a small waterfall where she could see a number of large wooden structures surrounding it including a water wheel.  This was Gridania, their destination.  Melanie held on tightly to Reubemont once more, her stomach starting to knot and her heart starting to palpitate as she felt the airship dip downwards until they finally pulled into a landing area.

Reubemont still holding onto Melanie walked her onto a wooden platform shaded by a large canopy.  Behind her she could hear the roar of the waterfall that cascaded into a lake below them.  So many fragrances overwhelmed her senses.  The smell of fresh water, of trees, grass and various flowers, the scent of chocobos nearby, even the food and alcohol wafting from inside the wooden building in front of them.  It was so much more fresher than the scorching hot air of Ul'dah.  The sound of various song birds filled the skies and the excited purring of chocobos as their handlers came to feed them.  She was so overwhelmed over just how tranquil everything was here that she didn't even notice they were on a platform hovering halfway up a waterfall.

Inside the wooden building there were large arched stained glass windows at one end of the room.  The way the light shined through them sending mostly green and rainbow colours across the room made her gasp and her heart leap with awe.  It reminded her of her visit to the Crystarium.  At the other side of the room were smaller plain arched windows allowing normal light to shine through and break up the darkness.

Following up a long and winding staircase was the upper floor where the adventurers' guild known to the locals as the Carline Canopy resided.  Several round tables and small stools were scattered around and was completely packed by dozens of adventurers, many bearing solem and worried faces drinking ale and talking amongst themselves mostly about the threat down at Tam-Tara Deepcroft involving the being known as Bockman.  Since the walls surrounding the staircase had windows with a clear view of outside and the other side of the stairs had wooden railings Reubemont had to hold onto Melanie so she wouldn't have another panic attack.

"Oh oh, over here!" Suyaya's voice called out to them as she stood up on a stool and waved them over.  Holskwyb and Johna were also with her sat around a round table.  Reubemont and Melanie quickly shuffled through the crowd of adventurers and took a seat at the table with their comrades.

"I've never seen this place look so busy!" Reubemont gasped as he made himself comfortable and looked around the room.  "Must be because of what's happening with this Bockman."

"So many adventurers have been drawn to Gridania after the Twin Adder declared Tam-Tara as unsafe for exploration and set up a reward via the adventurers' guild to anyone who'll dispose of the threat" Suyaya replied.

"A reward eh?" Holskwyb leaned forward with interest.  "And you're certain you think we can handle this threat together?"

Suyaya nodded.  "Many of the adventurers who've shown up so far are more fresher than we are.  Other more seasoned adventurers talked of a dampening effect when entering the area surrounding Tam-Tara that made them more weaker and incapable of performing certain spells.  More so the ones who've tried were often alone wanting to claim all the rewards for themselves or only just met so they haven't had a chance to work together.  This is why I'm almost certain we can handle this together."

"Is there anything else you can tell us about Bockman, something that can help us when we go to face him?" Reubemont asked.

"From the ones who survived they spoke of the area swarming with undead.  Anyone who challenges Bockman would not only have to battle against those but he also summons more of them from the nearby tombs, enough to overwhelm even a handful of the bravest soldiers.  Alas the more who fall the more become part of Bockman's undead army."

Reubemont felt rather unsettled by the news, however Suyaya seemed all but confident they could overpower this Bockman and Holskwyb and Johna certainly seemed interested in the prospect of a handsome reward if they were to succeed.  He looked over to Melanie.  "What about you, do you sense anything that could indicate we wouldn't survive?"  Melanie shook her head.  Nothing so far had come into her mind that would show they would fail.  Suyaya, Johna and Holskwyb looked curiously at Reubemont.  "Oh, I forgot to mention.  Brovola has an ability that grants her the gift of foresight.  I'm guessing that without a vision means we'll likely succeed."

Nearby a highlander hyur and a roegadyn had been evesdropping on the group.  "You hear that?  She has a gift of foresight!" the roegadyn whispered to the human.  "If she's not sensing any danger then that must mean it's safe for us too.  That reward is as good as ours!"  Together they left the building and made their way outside the gates leading into the city.

"In that case I'm definitely up for the challenge, but not on an empty stomach!" Reubemont said enthusiastically.

Half an hour went by and the team now had full bellies and feeling ready to take on the world.  After attuning to Gridania's aetheryte they made their way outside into Central Shroud.  Following the path leading south-west towards Bentbranch Meadows, Suyaya began handing some advice around.  "The diremites around here can be a bit aggressive, but we should be fine if we stick to the road and avoid them" she said as they approached a small bridge over a gentle flowing stream.  The group stopped walking once they reached the other side of the bridge and Reubemont drew out his sword and shield.  Melanie peered around the group and saw ahead a diremite wandering on the path.

"We may have to fight this one" Reubemont said.  Melanie quickly looked around for another path but there was diremites spread around every possible route.  The group slowly began down the path bracing themselves for battle.  As if luck would find them the diremite moved off the road giving way for the group to walk by safely towards Bentbranch Meadows.

Bentbranch Meadows was a large outpost in the middle of Central Shroud although there wasn't really a great deal of things of interest here aside from nearby stables where chocobos were being raised and trained as carrier birds.  It was mostly wooden platforms and planks surrounding the base of what used to be an extremely large tree.  Melanie could not fathom just how large this tree would've been, never had there been records of such large trees existing on Earth, but like almost everything else that was in this universe seemed to be excessively large as if it were meant for a race at least 3 times taller.  In the center of the tree base a tall aetheryte hovered and rotated above a stone fountain.  "Let's attune ourselves in case we need to come back here later" Reubemont sheethed his weapons and walked the group towards the aetheryte.  Together they all reached out and started to focus.  Streams of aetheric light stretched from their hands to the aetheryte causing it to pulse in response.

Satisfied they were all attuned they began heading southwards leaving Bentbranch Meadows behind them until they reached a split in the path.  Eastwards led to the Mirror Planks Docks and into South Shroud whilst westwards led towards the Tam-Tara Deepcroft.  Nearby was a wooden tower with a couple of Wood Wailer sentries stationed outside.  On seeing the group move towards Tam-Tara one of them, a miqo'te, immediately ran after them.

"Halt adventurers!  Don't you know about the dangers of what lies down there?" she called out standing in front of them with her arms outstretched to her sides.

"As a matter of fact we do, and we intend to put an end to that danger" Reubemont said as the group stopped before her.

"You're mad!  You're ill equipped.  Several have already made attempts and very few have come back alive.  You'll just add your numbers to the undead.  Just moments ago a hyur and a roegadyn went into the deepcroft convinced they'd be the ones to slay the threat.  They haven't been seen since.  I highly doubt they are still among the living."

Melanie remembered hearing them talking back at Gridania.  Whilst they were whispering quietly enough to each other that nobody else could hear them Melanie with her miqo'te ears was able to hear every word yet she brushed it off and focussed on her comrades.  "Oh no, they really went ahead!  I should've tried to stop them."  She lowered her head sadly when she could hear a voice in the distance.  "Please, someone, help!"  The voice was that of the human from earlier and was very faint that nobody else could hear yet she was able to hear it.  She looked down the path desperately.  Reubemont could see Melanie was eager to press on and nodded to the sentry.  "We may not be equipped like soldiers and brave heroes, but we do have each other and I put my full trust in my comrades.  Pray, allow us to pass so we can put an end to this threat."

The miqo'te sentry shook her head and stepped aside.  "Don't say I didn't warn ya" she said as they walked onward.

Down the cobbled path towards Tam-Tara the air started to feel different.  Melanie could detect the smell of blood and death.  Once more she could hear the voice calling out only it was now close enough the rest of her comrades could also hear it.  "Anybody, help me please!" the voice cried out weakly and desperately.  Ahead of them they could see a highlander hyur male crawling on the ground.  The group ran towards him and reached him seconds after he collapsed unconscious.  He had horrendous gashes all over his body, his stomach had been sliced open and pools of blood had already been gushing out onto the path where he crawled from.  Suyaya quickly pulled out her branch and began reciting a spell.  Aether poured into the unfortunate man's body sealing his wounds.  The man's eyes failed to open even after she finished reciting and lowered her hands.  "It's no use, he's gone" she said remorsefully.

"Who dares to intrude upon my presence?!!" a loud and dark voice was heard inside the crypt that led to Tam-Tara Deepcroft.  Everyone rose to their feet and looked deep inside the crypt.  Shadows moved around accompanied by the sounds of bones clicking against each other and unearthly screams and laughter.  As they were about to approach the entrance Melanie started to feel dizzy and her head started to ache.  "Brovola?  Reubemont, wait!" Holskwyb called out.  Reubemont turned around seeing Melanie grimace and clutch her head.  "It's a vision" he said as he rushed to her aid.

The world around Melanie began to swim and multiple scenes from inside the crypt began to play out, each one with a different ending.  So many of them showed their failed attempts at defeating the abominations awaiting them except for one.  She shook her head as the scenarios stopped playing.  "Is everything all right?  What did you see?" Reubemont asked her.

"We must follow my lead if we're to succeed" she said to her comrades.  "Reubemont, you'll need to attack Bockman and make sure he stays focussed on you.  Holskwyb, you'll need to assault the skeletons with myself.  Suyaya, try to keep Reubemont healed up as best you can.  Johna, you'll be assisting Reubemont in taking Bockman down."  Everyone nodded, they then drew out their weapons and walked forwards into the crypt.

"Come adventurers and join me as one of my undead minions!" the deep voice chuckled loudly.  Inside the crypt was dimly lit by a number of small stone braziers.  Several cadavers wandered around whilst standing in the middle was a tall and bulky dullahan covered head to toe in a dark steel armor single handedly wielding a huge wide sword that was even taller than he was.  "We'll see who has the last laugh, hyahh!!!" Reubemont yelled as he rushed in and struck against Bockman.  Everyone assumed positions with Melanie and Holskwyb taking down the cadavers whilst Reubemont and Johna assaulted Bockman.  The cadavers easily broke apart to Holskwyb's fists and Melanie's fire magic whilst Johna's arrows pierced through Bockman's armor with little resistance.  Reubemont blocked most of the attacks from Bockman whilst continuing to taunt him.  His bronze shield was taking a hefty beating but managed to keep him from being pulverized by Bockman's huge sword.

Bockman seeing that his opponents were proving to be more than a match for him began to raise his other hand.  A dark spell was woven and more cadavers began to rise from the earth whilst Bockman laughed hysterically.  Holskwyb and Melanie quickly turned their attention to them and began culling them down.  It didn't take long and Bockman was starting to show signs of weakening.  Reubemont began to rain down a flurry of attacks on him determined to smash through his armor plating.  He struck a piece that broke off and landed on the floor.  Reubemont gasped as he saw underneath the armor there was nothing.  Bockman started to laugh again at the futility of Reubemont's attack.  Reubemont stared into the darkness inside the armor and noticed something.  High up inside the armor there was a blue glow from what looked like a floating orb inside it with a tail.  Reubemont used all of his might to thrust his sword up inside the gap in the armor and upwards.  Bockman let out a loud unearthly shriek and fell to his knees.  Reubemont pulled his sword out and smashed it up against Bockman's chest, causing another piece it to break away and expose the abomination inside it.

"It's a revenant!  With me my friends, aim all your attacks here!" he called out to his comrades.  Everyone rushed in to Reubemont's side and began to focus all their attacks on the exposed revenant which screamed agonizing shrieks until its light went out and collapsed.  The revenant's body began to dissipate causing the armor to fall apart in a heap.  Reubemont collapsed to his knees gasping for air whilst everyone else was doubled over panting.  "Is it over?" Suyaya asked.  Melanie tried to nod but was too exhausted.  After taking a few moments Reubemont lowered his head in prayer.  "May you find rest in the Underworld."  He was about to stand up when he noticed something else inside the armor, something shiny.

"What is this?" he asked as he reached into the armor.  His hands felt something solid, cold, and almost cylindrical with smooth edges.  He pulled his hand out of the armor holding onto a large piece of crystal that had a golden glow.  Melanie gasped as she recognised it instantly.  "It's a crystal of light!" she gasped excitedly.

"Crystal of light?" Reubemont looked up at her quizzically.  "Argh!"  Reubemont dropped the crystal and clamped his head grimacing.  The others began to panic.  "What's happening?" Suyaya gasped.  Holskwyb was about to grab the crystal and throw it away when Melanie stopped her.  "Don't!" she cried out.  "This is meant to happen.  What he is experiencing right now is Hydaelyn's call.  That crystal is what will protect him as one of her chosen.  In other words he's been chosen to become a Warrior of Light!"

"A Warrior of Light?" Holskwyb asked surprised.  She backed away from Reubemont still looking concerned for him.  Reubemont eventually stopped grimacing and looked at everyone with astonishment.  "I saw her" he whispered.  "First it was a star shower, then I saw a large crystal and heard her calling to me..."

"Hear... Feel... Think" both Melanie and Reubemont said together.

"How do you know all this?  Is this how you got your gift?" Suyaya asked Melanie.

Melanie reached into her robe and pulled out a crystal similar to Reubemont's only hers was pure white.  Reubemont reached over and picked up his crystal and placed it next to Melanie's.  "It's a different shade, what does that mean?" Holskwyb asked.

"I don't know" Melanie replied.  "There are various other crystals, each has a different colour.  I don't know their specific meaning other than to own one grants you with Hydaelyn's blessing which protects you from primal influences and grants you with the gift known as The Echo."

"I've heard of The Echo" Suyaya pondered.  "Yes, I remember!  There's a band of people who go by the name of, um, the Sirens?  Cyclones?  But anyways, these people along with the Champion of Eorzea would travel all over Eorzea defeating primals.  That is why she was also known as The Primal Slayer."

"You know your history" Melanie smiled.  "She has no idea she's talking about me.  I wish I could tell them but I cannot."

"How did you manage to come across your crystal then?" Reubemont asked Melanie curiously.

"Err, I inherited mine a long time ago" Melanie replied trying to think fast.  "I don't exactly remember how it happened but like you I heard Hydaelyn's voice speak to me and since then I've been having these visions."

"So what happens if I was to be in possession of the crystal, would I too receive this blessing?" Holskwyb asked.

"You can try it if you want" Reubemont said handing the crystal over to her.  Holskwyb took the crystal and held onto it for several seconds bracing herself but nothing seemed to happen.  She shook her head and handed the crystal back to Reubemont.  "I guess it only works for the person who found it first" she said a little disappointed.

Reubemont stuffed the crystal inside a pocket hidden within his garments and pushed himself onto his feet.  "I guess we're done here then" he said as he dusted his clothes down with his hands.  "We should let the sentries know that the threat is over before they think we've joined the Underworld."

The group left the crypt together.  The body of the hyur who was left outside was still lying down, his skin having turned white and his clothes completely soaked in blood.  Melanie found it strange how everything else they defeated would dissipate into aether yet a persons' body would still remain as it were.

As they approached the wooden tower the sentries looked surprised to see them still in one piece.  "You're still here!" the miqo'te sentry gasped.  "Does that mean the threat no longer exists?"

Reubemont nodded.  "It's been taken care of.  You should find there's a body further down the path that's in need of burial."

"Congratulations young adventurers!  You have rid the Twelveswood off a formidable fiend.  I do believe I owe you each a reward for your heroics" a young man wearing a fancy green, red and white adventurer's outfit and a red leather hat stepped from inside the tower.  In his hands he held a large purse and began to empty its contents into each of their hands.  As they pocketted the gil Melanie looked up at the miqo'te sentry and noticed the look on her face.  It wasn't the look of gratitude but one of hatred.  Reubemont looked up to see Melanie staring at the sentry and turned his gaze over to her.  "Gaaah!" he cried out along with Melanie as they both doubled over holding their heads.

The world around them began to change.  They were in a different part of Gridania where the miqo'te was with another girl who looked similar to her.  They both looked desperate and fatigued, begging to the other citizens for help but being ignored.  A couple of elezen men dressed in wood wailer gear scoffed at them.  "Move away swine, you're in our way!" one of them pushed the younger miqo'te aside that she fell over.  "Dihna!"  The older miqo'te ran over to the younger miqo'te and tried to help lift her back onto her feet again.  "Have you no mercy?!" the older miqo'te cried out to them.  The elezen men stopped in their tracks.  "Surely you can see we are hungry and desperate!  We've tried to find work here but nobody would take us.  We've begged for help from your piers but they've outright refused without reason.  What else are we to do?  You would have us freeze to death and starve?"  The elezen snorted at them, "Perhaps you should, then we wouldn't have to put up with people like you!" one of them shouted back without even looking at them.

The scene changed to the girls now out in the Twelveswood watching a small herd of deer.  The oldest of them had a bow and arrow readying in her hands.  "It's either this or we starve to death.  Those Gridania bastards don't care whether we live or die, but I choose to live" she whispered to Dihna.  "So, you're willing to break rules then?" a voice purred from behind them.  The girls swiftly turned around to see another miqo'te female with darker skin with war paint streaked across her face and wearing leather tribal hunting clothes.  "Who are you?!" the elder miqo'te pointed her bow at her.  "I'm a friend as long as you don't point that arrow at me" the dark skinned miqo'te replied.  "If you'll hear me out I know of a place where you can stay, be well fed, and never be judged for simply being who you are.  But first a little test to prove whether or not you'll fit in with us..."

The scene changed to deep in the Twelveswood where the miqo'te was now with several other miqo'te wearing tribal hunting clothes inside a makeshift tent.  "What do you mean she's dead?!" she shouted to another who was standing in front of her looking downwards remorsefully.  "They came from nowhere.  One minute we were together and the next we were ambushed.  There were too many of them to fight back.  We tried to separate in hopes they'd split apart but they instead went for Dihna and then..." the other miqo'te held her head down further unable to look her in the eyes.

The scene changed once more to where she was standing over a table looking down at a book and a collection of dark steel armor.  "Let's see how the Wood Wailers handles this once I unleash this upon them" she hissed in a sour voice, her face twisting menacingly.

The scene changed to inside the crypt where she stood in front of the armor worn by Bockman.  "Those Gridanian bastards will pay dearly for murdering my sister" she said as she raised the book open in front of her and began chanting some undeciperable language.  "Rise once more and reclaim your place in the Twelveswood!" she finally chanted.  A whirl of dark mist began to form around the armor as it started to animate.  The miqo'te quickly closed the book and ran out of the crypt.

The world started to swirl once more and they were back with their comrades.  Reubemont grit his teeth and drew out his sword and shield and aimed them at the miqo'te sentry.  "It was you!" he shouted to her.  "You were the one who summoned Bockman from the Lifestream!"

The miqo'te sentry looked shocked.  "Me?  Why would you say that?  I wouldn't do such a thing!"

"I saw it too" Melanie said holding her staff in front of her.  "You used an incantation from a book whilst summoning Bockman back to the realm of the living.  It was your intention to cause chaos among the Wood Wailers after they mistreated you and took the life of your sister."

The miqo'te stared at her with a surprised look, then her look was replaced with a sneer.  "Fine!" she said angrily.  "You may have caught me but you will never stop our cause!  The Coeurlclaw tribe will take over these forests as their own!"  She proceeded to run when a whistle was heard in the air followed by an arrow embedding itself into the miqo'te's back.  Melanie looked behind her to see one of the sentries holding an empty bow in his hands glaring angrily at the miqo'te's body.  "As with all those who consort with the Coeurlclaws, the punishment for consorting the enemy is death."

Melanie lowered her staff and closing her eyes tightly looked away from the miqo'te's corpse.  This wasn't what she expected to happen.  They didn't have to kill her like this, not after what she and her sister went through.  "Thank you adventurers once again.  You discovered a leak in our establishment and rid our forests of 2 major threats.  Had we known she was a member of the Coeurlclaws we would've executed her on the spot instead of recruiting her as one of us."  Reubemont sheethed his sword and placed the shield back onto his back.  He took one last look at the miqo'te's corpse with pity and remorse.  This didn't sit well with him either even if she was from a tribe of criminals.  "Come, let's return back to Gridania" he said to his comrades in a slightly despondent tone.  The group slowly and silently followed Reubemont back on the path being careful not to walk over the miqo'te's body.