Tuesday, January 17, 2023

An Exarch's Concerns

Back on the First atop the crystal tower the Scions were gathered with the Exarch mulling over what had occurred the past few days.  Thancred exchanged hands with Urianger and quietly took him aside to where the others couldn't hear him.  "I take it you made the proper arrangements?" he said quietly.  Urianger nodded.  "She's in safe hands with our trusted allies back at Ahm Araeng.  They'll make certain to alert us with due haste should aught change during our absence" Urianger replied.  Thancred nodded satisfied and they rejoined their fellow scions in the middle of the Ocular.

"It is good of you to join us Urianger" the Exarch said as he finally laid eyes upon his old friend and accomplice.  "Likewise" he replied bowing his head respectfully.

"To brief you upon recent events, our friend M'leineya has revealed to us that she is a stranger from a distant world, one that is not part of the Source or any of its shards, and that her interactions have been done from said world and were being reflected here through what I can only assume and describe as some kind of avatar, although we've yet to determine if that's what she is."

Urianger gasped with his eyes and mouth wide open.  "I told you this would be interesting" Thancred leaned towards him with his arms folded.

"By the gods, another star?" Urianger exclaimed in astonishment.  The Exarch nodded.  "And where art our companion now?"

"She returned back to the First in order to relearn her role as the Warrior of Light and Darkness.  Suffice to say having not truely walked among us until recent she has never used magic nor wielded a sword, so she now seeks to attain that position in order to resume her journey in person."

"According to her it was Hydaelyn that brought her here, and that through her arrival brought on the phenomena know as "The Awakening"" Y'shtola added.

Urianger lowered his head, his face twisted in disbelief as he tried to take in everything that was being said.  Suddenly he let out a gasp and his eyes opened wider.  "Why of course, now it doth make sense" he said under his breath.  Everyone looked at him curiously wondering what it was that he had just concluded.  "During my time in Sharlayan in my studies I doth come across an ancient archive speaking of events yet to come, some of which have already come to pass.  Far into its pages t'was a prophecy that to this day hath left many a scholar mired by confusion and unable to transcribe.  "And so shall it be that a stranger from a distant land where no man has laid his eyes upon will deliver a people not of their flesh and blood from the jaws of Oblivion and awaken the sleepers from their endless slumber, and by the light will their presence be a symbol of prosperity."  Just a few nights prior a new star awakened in the constellation of Azeyma at the same hour as The Awakening.  I believe this to be the light of prosperity as mentioned in the texts and that the stranger from a distant land is none other than our comrade."

Everyone gasped at Urianger's words.  "So, she's part of a prophecy?" Thancred said in surprise.  "Then we had no right in judging her for coming here even if it was by Hydaelyn's doing."

"I feel terrible" Alisaie said remorsefully, her face contort in anguish.  "We were all so harsh with her when she told us the truth about herself and how she got here."  Alphinaud walked over to his sister and placed an arm around her shoulders and began to gently comfort her.

"She certainly didn't come across as someone who could deliver people from the jaws of Oblivion as you've stated, but perhaps we all judged her too soon" Y'shtola said facing Urianger, her blank eyes beginning to show signs of regret.

"Now you understand the situation we're facing and why I've called for another meeting" the Exarch spoke up above them.  Urianger nodded now that he fully understood the seriousness that had befallen his friends.  "Our next step is to determine where to go from here.  Without the Warrior of Darkness among us this will no doubts impede our capabilities to proceed into more dangerous territories, especially those of what would be considered belonging to a much needed ally.  I have no doubts in my mind were I to approach her again she would be even less willing to listen and I would risk losing any future chances of trying to convince her otherwise.  This means that unfortunately I'm once more impeeded in my attempts in trying to find a way to send you all back home and my studies in ancient Allagan archives are all but becoming exhausted.  I fear I may not find a way as I promised I would."